Sunday, April 3, 2016


II. Academic Papers (Chronological Order)
1. ‘The Theory of Cost-benefit Analysis’ (with N.H. Stern), in Auerbach, A., and Feldstein, M. (eds) (1987), Handbook of Public Economics (Amsterdam: North Holland).
2. ‘Labour Contracts in Rural India: Theories and Evidence’ (with Anindita Mukherjee), in Chakravarty, S. (ed) (1989), The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development, Vol.3 (London: Macmillan).
3. ‘Policy Reform, Shadow Prices and Market Prices‘ (with Nicholas Stern), Journal of Public Economics, 42(1), June 1990.
4. ‘Famine Prevention in India’, in Drèze, J.P. and Sen, A.K. (eds) (1990), The Political Economy of Hunger (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
5. ‘Famine Prevention in Africa’, in Drèze, J.P. and Sen, A.K. (eds) (1990), The Political Economy of Hunger (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
6. ‘Widows in Rural India’, Discussion Paper No.26, Development Economics Research Programme, London School of Economics, August 1990.
7. ‘Poverty in India and the IRDP Delusion‘, Economic and Political Weekly, 29 September 1990.
8. ‘Share-cropping in Palanpur’ (with Naresh Sharma), Journal of Development Studies, 1996.
9. ‘Public Action for Social Security: Foundations and Strategy’ (with Amartya Sen), in Ahmad, Drèze, Hills and Sen (eds) (1991), Social Security in Developing Countries (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
10. ‘Hunger and Poverty in Iraq, 1991’ (with Haris Gazdar), World Development, 20(7): 921-945 (1992).
11. ‘Famine Prevention’, Disasters, 15(3): 265-270, (September 1991).
12. ‘War, Sanctions and Human Well-being in Iraq (with Haris Gazdar), Economic and Political Weekly, 14 December, 1991.
13. ‘Widows and Health in Rural North India‘, (with Marty Chen), Economic and Political Weekly, 27(43-44), 24-31 October 1992.
14. ‘Widows and Well-being in Rural North India’ (with Marty Chen), in Women and Health in India, edited by Monica Das Gupta, T.N. Krishnan and Lincoln Chen (Oxford University Press, 1995).
15. ‘Primary Education and Economic Development in China and India: Overview and Two Case Studies’ (with Mrinalini Saran), in Basu, K., Pattanaik, P., and Suzumura, K. (eds) (1995), Choice, Welfare, and Development: Essays in Honour of Amartya Sen (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
16. ‘Economic Development, Public Action and Social Progress’ Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 15(3), December 1994.
17. ‘Mortality, Fertility and Gender Bias in India: A District Level Analysis‘ (with Anne-Catherine Guio and Mamta Murthi), Population and Development Review, 21(4), December 1995.
18. ‘Literacy in India and China‘ (with Jackie Loh), Economic and Political Weekly, 11 November 1995.
19. ‘Demographic Outcomes, Economic Development and Women’s Agency‘ (with Anne-Catherine Guio and Mamta Murthi), Economic and Political Weekly, 6 July, 1996.
20. ‘Widowhood and Poverty in Rural India (with P.V. Srinivasan), Journal of Development Economics, 54(2), 1997.
21. ‘Recent Research on Widows in India‘ (with Marty Chen), Economic and Political Weekly, 30 September 1995.
22. ‘Daily Wages and Piece Rates in Agrarian Economies‘ (with Jean-Marie Baland and Luc Leruth), Journal of Development Economics, 59 (1999).
23. ‘Uttar Pradesh: The Burden of Inertia’ (with Haris Gazdar), in Drèze and Sen (eds) (1997), Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
24. ‘Economic Development in Palanpur, 1957-93: Occupational Change, Land Ownership and Social Inequality’, in Breman, J., Kloos, P., and Saith, A. (eds.) (1997), The Village in Asia Revisited (Delhi: Oxford University Press).
25. ‘Palanpur: Population, Society, Economy’ (with Naresh Sharma), in Lanjouw and Stern (eds.) (1998), Economic Development in Palanpur Over Five Decades (Delhi and Oxford: Oxford University Press).
26. ‘Economic Development in Palanpur, 1957-93’ (with Peter Lanjouw and Naresh Sharma), in Lanjouw and Stern (eds.) (1998), Economic Development in Palanpur Over Five Decades (Delhi and Oxford: Oxford University Press).
27. ‘Distribution Matters in Cost-Benefit Analysis’, Journal of Public Economics, 70(3), 1998.
28. ‘Crime, Gender and Society in India: Some Clues from Homicide Data‘ (with Reetika Khera), Population and Development Review, 26 (June 2000).
29. ‘School Participation in Rural India‘ (with Geeta Gandhi Kingdon), Review of Development Economics, 5(1) (February 2001).
30. ‘Militarism, Development and Democracy, Economic and Political Weekly, 1 April 2000.
31. ‘Commodity Taxation and Social Welfare: The Generalised Ramsey Rule‘ (with David Coady), International Tax and Public Finance, 9 (2002).
32. ‘Fertility, Education and Development: Evidence from India, Population and Development Review, 27(1) (March 2001).
33. ‘Patterns of Literacy and their Social Context’, in Veena Das et al. (eds.) (2003) Encyclopedia of Sociology and Social Anthropology (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).
34. ‘War and Famines, in Desai, V., and Potter, R.B. (eds.) (2002), The Companion to Development Studies (London: Arnold).
35. ‘Democratic Practice and Social Inequality in India’ (jointly with Amartya Sen), Journal of Asian and African Studies, 37(2).
36. ‘On Research and Action, Economic and Political Weekly, 2 March 2002.
37. ‘Poverty and Inequality in India: A Reexamination’ (with Angus Deaton), Economic and Political Weekly, 7 September 2002.
38. ‘The Future of Mid-day Meals’ (with Aparajita Goyal), Economic and Political Weekly, 1 November 2003.
39. ‘Mid-day Meals and Children’s Rights’, Economic and Political Weekly, 8 May 2004.
40. ‘Gender Inequality and Women’s Agency’ (with Amartya Sen), in Mohanty, M. (ed.), Class, Caste, Gender: Readings in Indian Government and Politics (New Delhi: Sage).
41. ‘Democracy and the Right to Food, Economic and Political Weekly, 24 April 2004.
42. ‘Dr. Ambedkar and the Future of Indian Democracy’, Indian Journal of Human Rights, 9(1&2), Jan-Dec 2005.
43. ‘Education and Development: An Unfinished Discovery, in Kumar, R., Sethi, A., and Sikka, S. (eds.)(2005), School, Society, Nation: Popular Essays in Education (New Delhi: Orient Longman).
44. ‘Imperialist Globalisation versus Global Solidarity, in Jai Sen (ed.) (2006), Interrogating Empires (New Delhi: Zubaan).
45. ‘Employment Guarantee in Jharkhand: Ground Realities’ (with Bela Bhatia), Economic and Political Weekly, 22-28 July 2006.
46. ‘Universalization with Quality: ICDS in a Rights Perspective’, Economic and Political Weekly, 26 August 2006.
47. ‘Militarism and Development, in Clark, D.E. (ed.) (2006), The Elgar Companion to Development Studies (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
48. ‘Military Expenditure and Economic Growth, in Clark, D.E. (ed.) (2006), The Elgar Companion to Development Studies (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
49. ‘Food and Nutrition, in Basu, K. (ed.) (2007), The Oxford Companion to the Indian Economy (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).
50. ‘Early Childhood in India: Facing the Facts’ (with Reetika Khera and Sudha Narayanan), Indian Journal of Human Development, 1(2), July-December 2007.
51. ‘Ashok Rudra’ (with Suman Sarkar), in Basu, K. (ed.) (2007), The Oxford Companion to the Indian Economy (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).
52. ‘India’s Employment Guarantee Act: Reclaiming Policy Space’, in Deshpande, A. (ed.) (2007), Globalization and Development (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).
53. ‘Strategies for Children Under Six: A Framework for the 11th Plan (with Arun Gupta and others), Economic and Political Weekly, 29 December 2007.
54. ‘Nutrition in India: Facts and Interpretations’ (with Angus Deaton), Economic and Political Weekly, 14 February 2009.
55. ‘The BPL Census and a Possible Alternatives’ (with Reetika Khera), Economic and Political Weekly, 27 February 2010

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